Our 2023 theme “Let’s Beautify This!” is our commitment to providing quality arts experiences in Kenmore.
The Art Banner at CalPortland (pictured) was a resulting project from the City’s For the Love of Kenmore workshops and a great example of art that temporarily brightens our horizon. The installation was limited to 5 years and then the banner material was upcycled into tote bags — available for free with a $45 donation!
The community group that spearheaded this project deliberately over-raised funds and created the SR522 Beautification Projects Initiative, a ‘pay-it-forward’ program to support future temporary installations in Kenmore.
Art like this is fun and engaging but it does take a lot of resources and we cannot do what we do without you! Express your creativity and help us steer the local arts scene by volunteering, attending events, joining our Board, and donating.